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- "abnormal"
- "unusual"
- "The winter of 1982 was abnormal"
- "because the southern states had so"
- "much cold weather."
- "Purple is an ________ color for"
- "hair."
- ""
- "adaptable"
- "able to adjust"
- "Changing schools is easy if you are"
- "an adaptable person."
- ""
- "Human beings are _________ to"
- "several different types of"
- "environments."
- "ample"
- "plenty"
- "I will invite my friends to stay to"
- "dinner since we have ample food."
- ""
- "My mother refuses to buy me any"
- "more clothes; she says I have an"
- "_____ wardrobe."
- "anonymous"
- "unknown"
- "The author of that book is"
- "anonymous."
- ""
- "I cannot tell you who wrote this"
- "novel; the author is _________."
- ""
- "antiseptic"
- "germ-killing"
- "The nurse applied an antiseptic"
- "medicine to my cut."
- ""
- "Bacteria can be killed by an"
- "__________ lotion."
- ""
- "audible"
- "able to be heard"
- "The room was so quiet that the"
- "ticking of the clock was audible."
- ""
- "Her whisper was barely _______ in"
- "the noisy classroom."
- ""
- "decent"
- "proper"
- "* always exhibits "
- "decent behavior at the table."
- ""
- "His suit was ______ attire for"
- "church."
- ""
- "dismal"
- "gloomy and miserable"
- "Thursday was dismal because of the"
- "rain and fog."
- ""
- "The ancient castle was a ______"
- "place because there were no"
- "windows."
- "emaciated"
- "extremely thin"
- "The starving children looked"
- "emaciated."
- ""
- "Sue is already thin; if she went"
- "on a diet she would be _________."
- ""
- "explicit"
- "clear and detailed"
- "The directions that * "
- "gave me were quite explicit."
- ""
- "The teacher gave ________"
- "instructions for the homework"
- "assignment due Monday."
- "hallowed"
- "holy"
- "The church is on hallowed ground."
- ""
- ""
- "Religious confirmation is a"
- "________ occasion."
- ""
- "improbable"
- "not likely"
- "It is improbable that anyone"
- "will fail this course."
- ""
- "It is __________ that I will win the"
- "million dollar prize."
- ""
- "ineffective"
- "not productive"
- "Fad diets are usually ineffective"
- "for lasting weight loss."
- ""
- "It is ___________ to study when"
- "you are tired."
- ""
- "inseparable"
- "unable to be parted"
- "The two best friends were"
- "inseparable."
- ""
- "My dog and I are ___________ buddies."
- ""
- ""
- "inviting"
- "tempting"
- "The buffet table was very inviting"
- "with its display of delicious food."
- ""
- "The cool waves looked ________ from"
- "the blazing hot beach."
- ""
- "metropolitan"
- "belonging to large cities"
- "The Los Angeles basin is one of the"
- "largest metropolitan areas in the"
- "world."
- "The entire area of greater New York"
- "City is served by the city's"
- "____________ bus lines."
- "mongrel"
- "mixed breed"
- "The children loved their dog, even"
- "though he was a mongrel and not a"
- "purebred."
- "Even though the cat is a mixture of"
- "purebred Siamese and Persian,"
- "she is still considered a _______."
- "observable"
- "noticeable"
- "The patient's symptoms were readily"
- "observable to the doctor."
- ""
- "The billboard was easily __________"
- "from the freeway."
- ""
- "opaque"
- "not transparent"
- "The colored glass is opaque; you"
- "can't see through it."
- ""
- "No one can see the scars on her legs"
- "because her stockings are ______."
- ""
- "recent"
- "new"
- "Recent heavy rains have caused"
- "flooding problems in many areas."
- ""
- "The new baby is the most ______"
- "addition to our family."
- ""
- "toxic"
- "poisonous"
- "The fumes from that weed spray are"
- "very toxic."
- ""
- "Rattlesnake bites can be highly"
- "_____."
- ""
- "translucent"
- "letting light pass through"
- "The house where * lives has"
- "skylights of translucent plastic."
- ""
- "Frosted glass is ___________; clear"
- "glass is transparent."
- ""
- "ungrateful"
- "not appreciative"
- "The ungrateful boy did not thank"
- "his grandparents for the present."
- ""
- "Phillip vowed never to do another"
- "favor for his __________ friend."
- ""
- "unruly"
- "hard to control"
- "The unruly student was kept after"
- "school."
- ""
- "My hair is ______ if I don't brush"
- "it often."
- ""
- "vivid"
- "bright"
- "The sunset was a mass of vivid"
- "colors."
- ""
- "Bill's shirt is such a _____ red"
- "that he stands out in the crowd."
- ""
- "The sunset was a mass of vivid"
- "colors."
- ""
- "Bill's shirt is such a _____ red"
- "that he stands